15 February 2021
Touch point contamination protection
We can now supply these fantastic products to stick to your door push plates, pull bars, and door handles to help keep your premises Covid safe. They work in conjunction with a robust cleaning plan to maintain their effectiveness. They don’t replace the need for regular touch point cleaning, but they do help reduce contamination.
The antimicrobial products use Silver...
5 January 2021
Staff update for Lockdown 3
During this third lockdown, Green Mop is continuing to provide our vital service to customers that need us.
Where offices might be closed and you might lose hours, we’ll continue to use the Government Furlough Scheme (subject the the Government rules). You may be offered other work, so please keep an eye on communication from the office or your Supervisors.
5 January 2021
Customer update for Lockdown 3
As there is a further lockdown underway, please be advised that Green Mop intend to continue to provide cleaning services to customers that need us.
We are confident we can continue to keep our own staff safe in the provision of services, and that will help keep your offices clean and safe for those who still need to work on site.
Note that we will continue unless you...
7 November 2020
Covid cleans
It’s interesting that we have seen many more Covid cases occur in our customer premises recently.
As lockdown 2 got underway, many offices have remained open. They are far from fully staffed, but they are providing the office environment for those that struggle to work from home. Not everyone has a desk and space and broadband sufficient to deal with a working...
7 September 2020
Adapting to new working practices
All businesses have faced many unforeseen challenges this year. For Green Mop, it has meant navigating through many new situations, both administratively and operationally.
Our staff have been incredible throughout. They’ve been flexible and helpful and adjusted to new procedures and requirements, often at very short notice. The urgency and importance of following...
8 July 2020
Disinfectant fogging service
Disinfectant fogging is a safe and effective way to further protect your office. It works by producing a fine mist that kills airborne viruses and bacteria while also eliminating pathogens on surfaces – particularly those not easily reached with standard cleaning methods.
To keep your employees safe and your workplace virus-free, we recommend a deep clean with a manual...