Finalist for prestigious Brighton and Hove Business Awards
Great news for us this week as we found out we are finalists in the annual Brighton and Hove Business Awards, aka The BAHBAS.
We’re shortlisted for The Green Business Award. The criteria for this award is for businesses in Brighton and Hove that have demonstrated a commitment to help the city become a greener place. Well that’s what we do! And what we’ve done since 2007.
The Green Mop team are very proud to be on the shortlist with two other fantastic green businesses. The Big Lemon, who we’ve long admired for their exceptional green credentials for bussing people around, and Recharge Cargo, who use the greenest of transportation for delivery services.
We’re glad we’re up against two other original and leading green businesses.
Thank you to the judges and BAHBAS team for including us on the shortlist, it’s a real moral booster for all the Green Moppers.